Northwestern Lower Saxony - Sustainable New (4N): Geo-Toolbox
Transformation and structural change in rural areas mean changes in space and time. Such spatiotemporal data is to be managed and processed by our “Geo-Toolbox”. It uses digital technologies such as databases and geographic information systems (GIS) for tasks of the entire 4N research network. For this purpose, a suitable digital data management platform is going to be implemented. In addition, visualization and evaluation tools for spatiotemporal data will be offered. The Geo-Toolbox is designed as a flexible and expandable toolbox; it is intended to enable the participatory interaction between the scientific community and people that live and work in northwestern Lower Saxony.Information
- Website of the 4N research network
- Poster of the Geo-Toolbox project (pdf, 3MB, German)
Ghavimi, A.
Digital Mapping the Social Memory for a Sustainable Transformation of Settlements: A Participatory GIS Approach.
City Transitions: Society and the Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Change,
September 2024
Ghavimi, A.
Geospatial Analysis Applications for Managing Uncertainties in Sustainable Development.
Französisch-deutsches Symposium in Tübingen: Gesellschaftliche Transformationen auf dem Weg zu einer Nachhaltigen Entwicklung Teil 3: Nachhaltige Entwicklung antizipieren und planen? – Zum konstruktiven Umgang mit Ungewissheit und Unsicherheit,
Februar 2024
Ghavimi, A.
; Werner, T.
Geo-Toolbox: How Does Geospatial Data Serve Research in Sustainability.
November 2023
Schoo, J.
Räumliche Zugänglichkeit in der regionalen Gesundheitsversorgung. Spatio-temporale Analyse der hausärztlichen Versorgung in Niedersachsen.
62. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie in Frankfurt a.M.,
September 2023
Pesch, R.
; Breckling, B. ; Schmidt, B. :
Transformation und Strukturwandel im ländlichen Raum Nordwestdeutschlands - Reallabore in Marsch, Moor, Geest und Mee(h): Vorstellung des 4N-Verbundprojektes.
Klimamarkt auf dem Jasperhof, Westerstede,
August 2023