Books and Papers

Kuhn, H.; Weisensee, M. (2006): 10 Jahre Geoinformatik am Institut für Angewandte Photogrammetrie und Geoinformatik. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation, Jahrgang 2006, Heft 5, 363-370
Godding, R.; Luhmann, T.; Wendt, A. (2006): 4D surface matching for high-speed stereo sequences, ISPRS Symposium Comm. V, WG V/1, Image Engineering and Vision Metrology, Dresden , Weblink
Luhmann, T. (2006): Aktueller Stand und Entwicklungsten-denzen in der Industriephotogrammetrie. Festschrift 125 Jahre Geodäsie, Universität Hannover, 2006
Luhmann, T.; Robson, S.; Kyle, S.; Harley, I. (2006): Close-Range Photogrammetry. Whittles Publishing, 500 pages
Luhmann, T.; Kyle, S.; Harley, I. (2006): Close-Range Photogrammetry – State of the Art. Geomatics World, Sept./Oct. 2006, 16-18


Knies, J. : Windkraftplanungen in Schottland - Möglichkeiten von Sichtbarkeitsanalysen. AGIT 201, Salzburg, Juli 2010
Luhmann, T. : Automatische projektive Bildentzerrung am Beispiel der bildgestützten Planung von Solardachanlagen. Dreiländertagung DGPF-SGPF-OVG, Wien, Juni 2010
Luhmann, T. : Experiences with 3D Reference Bodies for Quality Assessment of Free-form Surface Measurements. ISPRS Commission V Mid-Term Symposium “Close Range Image Measurement Techniques”, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, Juni 2010
Luhmann, T. : Geometric Calibration of Thermographic Cameras. ISPRS Commission V Mid-Term Symposium “Close Range Image Measurement Techniques”, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, Juni 2010
Lorkowski, P. : Tourism and Geoinformatics: Digital information systems for cultural heritage sites. HighTech-based concepts for presentation and interpretation of cultural heritage, Zagreb, Croatia, Mai 2010


funded by: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Over 70% of German households are supplied with heat through fossil fuels (natural gas, oil). Therefore, some federal states have legally regulated Municipal Heat Planning (MHP). Additionally, a federal law on heat planning came into ... more
funded by: zukunft.niedersachsen
There are hundreds of thousands of artefacts in German museums that were brought to Europe during the colonial era as a result of wars, looting or trade. The history of these objects - where they came from, what they were used for and who once owned ... more
funded by: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The WorldPop project aims to produce grid-based population estimates up to 2030 broken down by sex and age groups. The overall project is led by Prof. Andy Tatem of the University of Southampton. With this framework, IAPG is responsible for the devel... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

Konzipierung und Erstellung eines Meßablaufes zur Ermittlung der Längenmeßunsicherheit eines Koordinatenmeßgerätes (2000/1)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hero Weber

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Thomas Luhmann

Kalibrierung von Maßstäben für optische Meßsysteme (2000/1)
Untersuchungen von Meßanordnungen zur photogrammetrischen Kantenmessung an ebenen Werkstücken (2000/1)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Thomas Luhmann

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Ralf Schafmeister



Genauigkeitsuntersuchung des photogrammetrischen 3D-Messtasters ProCam3 (2000/1)
Vergleich zweier Auskunftssysteme im Hinblick auf den Nutzen und die Anforderungen eines EVU (1999/12)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kuhn

Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Skarupke


Siemens AG