Books and Papers

Gutow, L.; Günther, C.-P.; Ebbe, B.; Schückel, S.; Schuchardt, B.; Dannheim, J.; Darr, A.; Pesch, R. (2020): Structure and distribution of a threatened muddy biotope in the south-eastern North Sea. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 255, 1 February 2020, 109876 , doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109876 , Weblink
Burgues, MF; Lenzi, J.; Machín, E; Genta, L; Teixeira de Mello, F (2020): Temporal variation of Kelp Gull's (Larus dominicanus) diet on a coastal island of the Rio de la Plata Estuary, Uruguay: refuse as an alternative food source. Waterbirds 43(1): 65-74 , doi: , Weblink
Lanz, P.; Marino, A.; Brinkhoff, T.; Köster, F.; Möller, M. (2020): The InflateSAR Campaign: Evaluating SAR Identification Capabilities of Distressed Refugee Boats. Remote Sensing 2020, Vol. 12, 3516 , doi: 10.3390/rs12213516
Chizhova, M.; Popovas, D.; Gorkovchuk, D.; Gorkovchuk, J.; Hess, M.; Luhmann, T. (2020): Virtual terrestrial laser scanner simulator for digitalization of teaching environment: Concept and first results. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B5-2020, 91–97 , doi: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B5-2020-91-2020 , Weblink
Werner, T.; Brinkhoff, T. (2020): Window Operators for Processing Spatio-Temporal Data Streams on Unmanned Vehicles. AGILE GIScience Ser., 1, 21 , doi: 10.5194/agile-giss-1-21-2020


Nietiedt, S. : Three-dimensional measurement of rotor blades during flow measurements in a wind tunnel. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019, Cork, Ireland, Juni 2019
Brinkhoff, T. : Determining Point Locations of Populated Places by Using Area Datasets. 22nd AGILE Conference on Geo‐information Science, Limassol, Cyprus, Juni 2019
Knies, J. : Suitability Areas for Energy Planning in Community. International Conference on New Pathways for Community Energy and Storage, Groningen, Juni 2019
Schüssler, F. : Der kurze Weg zur Praxis in Stadt und Land? Die ambulante medizinische Versorgung aus räumlicher Perspektive. Vortragsreihe inForum, Oldenburg, Mai 2019
Hastedt, H. : Large-volume photogrammetric deformation monitoring of the Bremen Cog. 4th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring, Athens, Greece, Mai 2019


funded by: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Over 70% of German households are supplied with heat through fossil fuels (natural gas, oil). Therefore, some federal states have legally regulated Municipal Heat Planning (MHP). Additionally, a federal law on heat planning came into ... more
funded by: zukunft.niedersachsen
There are hundreds of thousands of artefacts in German museums that were brought to Europe during the colonial era as a result of wars, looting or trade. The history of these objects - where they came from, what they were used for and who once owned ... more
funded by: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The WorldPop project aims to produce grid-based population estimates up to 2030 broken down by sex and age groups. The overall project is led by Prof. Andy Tatem of the University of Southampton. With this framework, IAPG is responsible for the devel... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

Einführung des Desktop GIS SICAD/SD bei der Gemeinde Wachtberg (2001/5)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kuhn

Dipl.-Geogr. A. Thorand


Topographics GmbH

Entwicklung eines Objektbrowsers für ein Liegenschaftsinformationssystem (LIS) Bellersen, Michael (2001/4)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kuhn

Prof. Dr. Thomas Brinkhoff

Analyse und Umsetzung eines Konzepts zur Erzeugung der Digitalen Deutschen Grundkarte im Maßstab 1:5000 (DDGK5) aus der Automatisierten Liegenschaftskarte(ALK) (2001/3)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kuhn

Prof. Dr. Thomas Brinkhoff



Erstellung und Umsetzung eines Konzepts zur Ermittlung Inkonsitenzen zwischen ALK- und ALB-Daten (2001/3)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kuhn

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Rose


grit GmbH

Erstellung eines Geoinformationssystems zur Dokumentation von Lichtwellenleitern (2001/3)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Weisensee

Dipl.-Ing. Udo Wiese