Books and Papers

Luhmann, T.; Robson, S.; Kyle, S.; Boehm, J. (2013): Close Range Photogrammetry and 3D Imaging. 2nd Edition, Walter de Gruyter, 2013, 683 Seiten
Luhmann, T. (2013): Combination of Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laserscanning – Potentials and Limitations, Part 1: Overview and Performance Features. Advances in Geodetic Sciences and Industry, 2013, Lvivskya Politechnika, Ukraine, 80-85
Luhmann, T. (2013): Combination of Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laserscanning – Potentials and Limitations, Part 2: Systems, Algorithms and Applications. Advances in Geodetic Sciences and Industry, 2013, Lvivskya Politechnika, Ukraine, 81-90
Schröder, W.; Pesch, R.; Hertel, A.; Schönrock, S.; Harmens, H.; Mills, G.; Ilyin, I. (2013): Correlation between atmospheric deposition of Cd, Hg and Pb and their concentrations in mosses specified for ecological land classes covering Europe. Atmospheric Pollution Research 4 (pp. 267-274) , doi:
Große-Schwiep, M.; Hastedt, H.; Luhmann, T. (2013): Deformationsmessung mit terrestrischem Laserscanning und Photogrammetrie. In: Luhmann/Müller (Hrsg.): Photogrammetrie, Laserscanning, Optische 3D-Messtechnik – Beiträge der 12. Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2013, Wichmann, 86-94


Ratzke, H. : Berücksichtigung des Potentials für Solaranlagen im Rahmen der regionalen Planung. 8. X-border-GDI Projekt-Partner-Forum „Klima und Regenerative Energie“, Düsseldorf, Juli 2011
Luhmann, T. : Photogrammetric Examples in Structural Engineering. „Geodesic Support of Construction: Current State, Problems, Prospects for Further Development“, Universität Kiew, Ukraine, Juli 2011
Luhmann, T. : Research Projects of the Institute of Applied Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics. Technische Universität Donezk, Ukraine, Juli 2011
Knies, J. : Verwendung und Nutzen von Geodaten im Interreg IVb Projekt „North Sea Sustainable Energy Planning“. Tagung „Geoinformatik 2011“, Münster, Juni 2011
Ratzke, H. : Integration of Solar Power Plants into Local Energy Planning. 6th Conference of Solar Cities Scotland, Dundee, Great Britain, Juni 2011


funded by: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Over 70% of German households are supplied with heat through fossil fuels (natural gas, oil). Therefore, some federal states have legally regulated Municipal Heat Planning (MHP). Additionally, a federal law on heat planning came into ... more
funded by: zukunft.niedersachsen
There are hundreds of thousands of artefacts in German museums that were brought to Europe during the colonial era as a result of wars, looting or trade. The history of these objects - where they came from, what they were used for and who once owned ... more
funded by: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The WorldPop project aims to produce grid-based population estimates up to 2030 broken down by sex and age groups. The overall project is led by Prof. Andy Tatem of the University of Southampton. With this framework, IAPG is responsible for the devel... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

Untersuchungen zur Genauigkeit eines handgeführten 3D-Oberflächenmesssystems nach VDI 2634/3 (2007/8)
Untersuchungen zur Genauigkeitsprüfung terrestrischer 3D Laserscanner nach VDI 2634 (2007/8)
Konzeption und Implementierung einer webbasierten Anwendung zur Verwaltung und Visualisierung der domänenfiskalischen Flächen mit automatischer Anbindung an das Liegenschaftskataster (2007/4)
Bewertung der IT-Agilität eines Unternehmens (2007/3)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schöf

Dr. Martin Eldracher


sd&m AG

Untersuchungen zur dreidimensionalen optischen Vermessung von Drehgestellen bei der Deutschen Bahn (2007/3)