Books and Papers

Schaap, M.; Wichink Kruit, R; Builtjes, P.; Nickel, S.; Pesch, R.; Schröder, W.; Nagel, H.-D. (2014): Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals to terrestrial ecosystems in Germany. Proceedings 27th Task Force Meeting ICP Vegetation, 28-30 January 2014, Paris: 45
Boltersdorf, S.H.; Pesch, R.; Werner, W. (2014): Comparative use of lichens, mosses and tree bark to evaluate nitrogen deposition in Germany. Environmental Pollution; 189:43-53
Jepping, C.; Bethmann, F.; Luhmann, T. (2014): Congruence Analysis of Point Clouds from Unstable Stereo Image Sequences. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-5, Commission V, Riva del Garda, Italy, 301-306 , doi: 10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-5-301-2014
Schröder, W.; Pesch, R.; Schönrock, S.; Harmens, H.; Mills, G.; Fagerli, H. (2014): Correlations between nitrogen concentrations in atmospheric deposition and mosses mapped for natural landscapes in Europe. Proceedings 27th Task Force Meeting ICP Vegetation, 28-30 January, Paris:46
Große-Schwiep, M.; Hastedt, H.; Luhmann, T. (2014): Deformationsmessung mit terrestrischem Laserscanning und Photogrammetrie. Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten, Wichmann VDE Verlag, 2/2014, 43-52


Knies, J. : Der Raumbezug im zukünftigen Energiesystem. 7. GiN-EVU-Forum, Oldenburg, November 2016
Luhmann, T. : Optical deformation measurement with integrated finite elements. 2nd Geospace Conference, Kiev, Ukraine, Oktober 2016
Weisensee, M. : GIS in der digitalen Bildung. ESRI GIS-Talk 2016, München, Oktober 2016
Göring, M. : Entwicklung eines Messverfahrens zur Erfassung bewegter Rotorblätter von Windkraftanlagen - Vorstellung des fächerartigen Distanzmesssystems. Jade2Pro-Kolloquium, September 2016
Weisensee, M. : Lehre und Forschung am IAPG – Geovisualisierung. 20 Jahre IAPG, Jade Hochschule, Oldenburg, September 2016


funded by: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Over 70% of German households are supplied with heat through fossil fuels (natural gas, oil). Therefore, some federal states have legally regulated Municipal Heat Planning (MHP). Additionally, a federal law on heat planning came into ... more
funded by: zukunft.niedersachsen
There are hundreds of thousands of artefacts in German museums that were brought to Europe during the colonial era as a result of wars, looting or trade. The history of these objects - where they came from, what they were used for and who once owned ... more
funded by: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The WorldPop project aims to produce grid-based population estimates up to 2030 broken down by sex and age groups. The overall project is led by Prof. Andy Tatem of the University of Southampton. With this framework, IAPG is responsible for the devel... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

Potentialanalysen von Abwasserrückgewinnungsanlagen als Baustein zukünftiger Energienetze. (2014/2)

Prof. Dr. Frank Schüssler

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Knies

Liquefied natural gas in Deutschland und Europa – LNG als sauberer Energieträger? Anwendungsbereiche, vorhandene Infrastruktur und potentielle Standorte. (2014/2)

Prof. Dr. Frank Schüssler

Gerrit Brunken


nPlan Engineering

Segregationserscheinungen und soziale Stadtentwicklung in Oldenburg auf Basis der kleinräumigen Gliederung. (2014/2)

Prof. Dr. Frank Schüssler

Michael Arndt


Stadt Oldenburg

Globale Standortanalysen solarthermischer Kraftwerke. Eine Gegenüberstellung von Potential und Aktivität. (2014/2)
Analyse der fiskalischen und arbeitsplatzbezogenen Auswirkungen von Gewerbegebieten am Beispiel des Gewerbegebietes „Dreye-West III“. (2014/2)

Prof. Dr. Frank Schüssler

Dr. Uwe Kröcher


Regio GmbH