Books and Papers

Wichmann, Andreas; Kada, Martin (2014): 3D Building Adjustment Using Planar Half-Space Regularities. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences , doi: , Weblink
Jansen, S.; Höting, D.; Runge, J.; Brinkhoff, T.; Nicklas, D.; Sauer, J. (2014): 9 Million Bicycles? Extending Induction Loops with Bluetooth Sensing. Proceeding 15th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2014), Brisbane, Australia, 2014, 113-116 , doi: 10.1109/MDM.2014.20
Lückehe, D.; Kramer, O.; Weisensee, M. (2014): An Evolutionary Approach to Geo-Planning of Renewable Energies. Proceedings 28th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection (EnviroInfo), Oldenburg, 2014
Gollenstede, A.; Weisensee, M. (2014): Animated Cartographic Visualisation of Networks on Mobile Devices. Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Location-Based Services, Vienna, Austria, 2014
Schaap, M.; Wichink Kruit, R; Builtjes, P.; Nickel, S.; Pesch, R.; Schröder, W.; Nagel, H.-D. (2014): Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals to terrestrial ecosystems in Germany. Proceedings 27th Task Force Meeting ICP Vegetation, 28-30 January 2014, Paris: 45


Hastedt, H. : Prototypic development and evaluation of a medium format metric camera. ISPRS-Kongress Riva del Garda, Juni 2018
Luhmann, T. : Photogrammetry for Industry 4.0 – Prospects and Challenges. ISPRS Symposium Commisson 2, Riva del Garda, Juni 2018
Luhmann, T. : Calibration techniques and accuracy considerations for single and multi-camera systems. Tutorial, ISPRS Symposium Commisson 2, Riva del Garda, Juni 2018
Conen, N. : Improving Image Matching by Reducing Surface Reflections using Polarising Filter Techniques. ISPRS Technical Commission II Symposium, Riva del Garda, Italy, June 2018, Juni 2018
Knies, J. : Strategic heat planning: A spatial approach for urban areas. ICREN 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RENEWABLE ENERGY, April 2018 doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34712.85763


funded by: European Fonds for Regional Development (EFRE)
The project objective is the investigation of imaging techniques and the development of special methods based on intraoperative and preoperative data. The field of application is primarily in orthopedics, however, in principle the problem can be tran... more
funded by: German Maritime Museum, Leibniz Institute for Maritime History
The project focusses on the conception and implementation of the geometric monitoring of the Bremen Cog (appr. 25m x 8m x 8m). The Bremen Cog is the best preserved medieval merchant ship in the world. A large-volume optical 3D-measurement con... more
funded by: Niedersächsisches Vorab
This interdisciplinary project aims to develop autonomous underwater and surface vehicles. One subproject focusses on the development of calibration procedures and algorithms for the special challenges of underwater photogrammetry. Another subproject... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

Evaluierung cloud-optimierter Datenformate zur Speicherung und Analyse großer raumzeitlicher Rasterdaten (2024/12)
Untersuchungen zur laserscanner-basierten Schwingungsmessung am Beispiel eines Rotorblattes einer Windenergieanlage im Stillstand (2024/12)
Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Kamerakonfiguration bei einer TubeInspect Messzelle für die Messung von Rechteckprofilen (2024/12)

Prof. Dr. habil. Till Sieberth

Karsten Leuthold



Prozedurale Generierung urbaner Umgebungen – Entwicklung eines Prototyps mittels Unreal Engine (2024/11)
Entwicklung einer Cloud-nativen Architektur zur Verwaltung und Verarbeitung rasterbasierter Bodenbewegungsdaten (2024/11)