Books and Papers

Perda, G.; Morelli, L.; Remondino, F.; Fraser, C.; Luhmann, T. (2024): Analyzing marker-based, handcrafted and learning-based methods for automated 3D measurement and modelling. Optical 3D Metrology Workshop, Brescia
Paulau, P.; Hurka, J.; Middelberg, J.; Koch, S. (2024): Centralised monitoring and control of buildings using open standards. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences , doi: 10.5194/isprs-annals-X-4-W4-2024-169-2024 , Weblink
Sheikholeslami, Mohammad Moein; Kamran, Muhammad; Wichmann, Andreas; Sohn, Gunho (2024): CornerRegNet: Building Segmentation from Overhead Imagery Using Oriented Corners in Deep Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
Sieberth, T.; Meindl, Michael; Sagmeiser, Bernhard; Franckenberg, Sabine; Ptacek, Wolfgang (2024): Cost-effective 3D documentation device in forensic medicine. Forensic Science International , doi:
Sheikholeslami, Mohammad Moein; Kamran, Muhammad; Wichmann, Andreas; Sohn, Gunho (2024): Enhancing Polygonal Building Segmentation via Oriented Corners. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , doi: , Weblink


Schüssler, F. : GIS und Geomarketing zur Analyse ambulanter Versorgung. Fachärztemangel oder Verteilungsproblem? Gießener Geographische Gesellschaft, Dezember 2017
Chizhova, M. : Human-computer-interaction in reconstruction of lost architictire from point clouds. III international scientific and technical conference Geospace, Kiev, Ukraine, Dezember 2017
Luhmann, T. : PhoX Master Class. ISPRS GeoSpace, Kiev, Ukraine, Dezember 2017
Luhmann, T. : Introduction to Close-Range Photogrammetry. Kiev National University for Construction and Architecture, Kiew, Dezember 2017
Luhmann, T. : A software-based concept for teaching photogrammetry. ISPRS GeoSpace, Kiev, Ukraine, Dezember 2017


funded by: European Fonds for Regional Development (EFRE)
The project objective is the investigation of imaging techniques and the development of special methods based on intraoperative and preoperative data. The field of application is primarily in orthopedics, however, in principle the problem can be tran... more
funded by: German Maritime Museum, Leibniz Institute for Maritime History
The project focusses on the conception and implementation of the geometric monitoring of the Bremen Cog (appr. 25m x 8m x 8m). The Bremen Cog is the best preserved medieval merchant ship in the world. A large-volume optical 3D-measurement con... more
funded by: Niedersächsisches Vorab
This interdisciplinary project aims to develop autonomous underwater and surface vehicles. One subproject focusses on the development of calibration procedures and algorithms for the special challenges of underwater photogrammetry. Another subproject... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

Der Einfluss des Standortes auf die Erstspendergewinnung in der Blutspende. (2012/2)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Schüssler

Dr. Bruhn



Geomarketing im Immobiliensektor. GIS-Anwendungen zur Optimierung von operativen und strategischen Entscheidungen des ImmobilienService der Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg. (2012/2)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Schüssler

Dipl.-Kaufmann Hans-Günther Speckmann

3D-Visualisierung zur Unterstützung der Planung von Windenergieanlagen am Beispiel Lauenburg (2012/2)

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Jaquemotte

Dipl.-Ing. Kerstin Bernhardt



Geocoding mit OpenStreetMap-Daten - Analyse, Konzeption und Entwicklung von Methoden zur Suche in Geodaten (2012/1)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schöf

Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Tonnhofer


Omniscale GbR

Konzeption und Implementierung einer auf PostgreSQL-basierenden PHP-Anwendung zur Extraktion von ALKIS-Daten für die Dokumentation und Verwendung von Liegenschaften (2011/11)