Books and Papers

Perda, G.; Morelli, L.; Remondino, F.; Fraser, C.; Luhmann, T. (2024): Analyzing marker-based, handcrafted and learning-based methods for automated 3D measurement and modelling. Optical 3D Metrology Workshop, Brescia
Paulau, P.; Hurka, J.; Middelberg, J.; Koch, S. (2024): Centralised monitoring and control of buildings using open standards. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences , doi: 10.5194/isprs-annals-X-4-W4-2024-169-2024 , Weblink
Sheikholeslami, Mohammad Moein; Kamran, Muhammad; Wichmann, Andreas; Sohn, Gunho (2024): CornerRegNet: Building Segmentation from Overhead Imagery Using Oriented Corners in Deep Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
Sieberth, T.; Meindl, Michael; Sagmeiser, Bernhard; Franckenberg, Sabine; Ptacek, Wolfgang (2024): Cost-effective 3D documentation device in forensic medicine. Forensic Science International , doi:
Sheikholeslami, Mohammad Moein; Kamran, Muhammad; Wichmann, Andreas; Sohn, Gunho (2024): Enhancing Polygonal Building Segmentation via Oriented Corners. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , doi: , Weblink


Luhmann, T. : Photogrammetric Research at Jade University. Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Vilnius, Dezember 2018
Brinkhoff, T. : Geodatenbanksysteme. CAS Räumliche Informationssysteme, ETH Zürich, Schweiz, Dezember 2018
Luhmann, T. : Introduction to Close-Range Photogrammetry II. Kiev National University for Construction and Architecture, Kiew, November 2018
Luhmann, T. : Introduction to Close-Range Photogrammetry I. Kiev National University for Construction and Architecture, Kiew, November 2018
Luhmann, T. : Dense pointclouds from combined nadir and oblique imagery by object-based semi-global multi-image matching. GIS Day, Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Vilnius, November 2018


funded by: German Research Foundation
Classical methods of photogrammetric deformation analysis are essentially a two-step process of spatio-temporal image matching (STM) followed by the calculation of deformation parameters. In many close-range applications, further kinematic in... more
funded by: Niedersächsisches Vorab
Transformation and structural change in rural areas mean changes in space and time. Such spatiotemporal data is to be managed and processed by our “Geo-Toolbox”. It uses digital technologies such as databases and geographic information systems &#... more
funded by: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
The Project – „CoSAIR – Collaborative Spatial Artificial Intelligence in Realtime“ is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the program „Research at Universities of Applied Sciences“ in order to create, consolida... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

Georeferenziertes Dokumentenmanagement - Konzeption und prototypische Implementierung eines Geo-Plugins für die Plattform Alfresco (2016/2)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Weisensee

Dipl.-Geogr. Jana Brauckmüller

3D-Modellierung und Visualisierung auf der Basis von Terrestrischem Laserscanning am Beispiel der Stiftkirche Bonn (2016/2)

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Jaquemotte

Dipl.-Ing. Ralph Heiliger

Konzeptionierung eines Energie-Controlling-Systems für Kommunale Liegenschaften (2016/2)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Schüssler

Dipl.-Ing. Roland Hachmann

Kannibalisierungseffekte im Drogerie-Einzelhandel Implementierung einer GIS-gestützten Analyse für die Vorhersage von Kannibalisierungseffekten bei Filialneueröffnungen der dm-Drogeriemarkt GmbH & Co. KG auf der Grundlage des Huff-Modells (2016/2)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Schüssler

P. Pfletschinger

Untersuchungen zur chromatischen Aberration in der Auswertung photogrammetrischer Messungen nach VDI 2634 Blatt 1 (2016/2)