Books and Papers

Paulau, P.; Hurka, J.; Middelberg, J.; Koch, S. (2023): Building physics monitoring with open standards. Lund, H., Mathiesen, B. V., Østergaard, P. A., & Brodersen, H. J. (Eds.) (2023). Book of Abstracts: 9th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems , Weblink
Beermann, J.; Gutow, L.; Wührdemann, S.; Konijenberg, R.; Heinicke, K.; Bildstein, T.; Jaklin, S.; Gusky, M.; Zettler, M.; Dannheim, J.; Pesch, R. (2023): Characterization and differentiation of sublittoral sandbanks in the southeastern North Sea. Biodiversity and Conservation , doi: , Weblink
Luhmann, T. (2023): Close-Range Photogrammetry and 3D Imaging. 4th ed., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin , doi: , Weblink
Pogoda, B.; Hausen, T.; Rothe, M.; Bakker, F.; Hauser, S.; Bérenger, C.; Dureuil, M.; Krause, J.; Heinicke, K.; Pusch, C.; Eisenbarth, S.; Kreutle, A.; Peter, C.; Pesch, R. (2023): Come, tell me how you live: Habitat suitability analysis for Ostrea edulis restoration. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (accepted Jan 2023) , doi: 10.1002/aqc.3928
Göring, M.; Luhmann, T. (2023): Development of a Procedure for Torsion Measurement Using a Fan-Shaped Distance Meter System. Sensors 2023 , doi: , Weblink



funded by: German Research Foundation
Classical methods of photogrammetric deformation analysis are essentially a two-step process of spatio-temporal image matching (STM) followed by the calculation of deformation parameters. In many close-range applications, further kinematic in... more
funded by: Niedersächsisches Vorab
Transformation and structural change in rural areas mean changes in space and time. Such spatiotemporal data is to be managed and processed by our “Geo-Toolbox”. It uses digital technologies such as databases and geographic information systems &#... more
funded by: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
The Project – „CoSAIR – Collaborative Spatial Artificial Intelligence in Realtime“ is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the program „Research at Universities of Applied Sciences“ in order to create, consolida... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

Entwicklung eines Dashboards zur Verbesserung des Bewerbungsprozesses für Unternehmen und Bewerber (2024/1)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Rohjans

Prof. Dr. Thomas Brinkhoff


2Orgu GmbH

Human-Centered Design in der Konzeption und Entwicklung eines geodatenbasierten Entsiegelungskatasters (2023/12)
Flächendeckende Versiegelungsdetektion mittels Machine Learning für Entsiegelungskataster (2023/12)
Der digitale Zwilling im Metaverse - Untersuchung zur Modellierung und Anwendung virtueller Räume (2023/12)

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Jaquemotte

Frank Mönsters


sigma3D GmbH

Räumliche Unterschiede bei der Wahrnehmung von Zukunftsmärkten in Medien: Eine Analyse von Zeitungsartikeln mittels Machine Learning (2023/10)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Brinkhoff

Dr. Georg Klose


Prognos AG