Books and Papers

Perda, G.; Morelli, L.; Remondino, F.; Fraser, C.; Luhmann, T. (2024): Analyzing marker-based, handcrafted and learning-based methods for automated 3D measurement and modelling. Optical 3D Metrology Workshop, Brescia
Paulau, P.; Hurka, J.; Middelberg, J.; Koch, S. (2024): Centralised monitoring and control of buildings using open standards. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences , doi: 10.5194/isprs-annals-X-4-W4-2024-169-2024 , Weblink
Sheikholeslami, Mohammad Moein; Kamran, Muhammad; Wichmann, Andreas; Sohn, Gunho (2024): CornerRegNet: Building Segmentation from Overhead Imagery Using Oriented Corners in Deep Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
Sieberth, T.; Meindl, Michael; Sagmeiser, Bernhard; Franckenberg, Sabine; Ptacek, Wolfgang (2024): Cost-effective 3D documentation device in forensic medicine. Forensic Science International , doi:
Sheikholeslami, Mohammad Moein; Kamran, Muhammad; Wichmann, Andreas; Sohn, Gunho (2024): Enhancing Polygonal Building Segmentation via Oriented Corners. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , doi: , Weblink


Knies, J. : Windkraftplanungen in Schottland - Möglichkeiten von Sichtbarkeitsanalysen. AGIT 201, Salzburg, Juli 2010
Luhmann, T. : Automatische projektive Bildentzerrung am Beispiel der bildgestützten Planung von Solardachanlagen. Dreiländertagung DGPF-SGPF-OVG, Wien, Juni 2010
Luhmann, T. : Experiences with 3D Reference Bodies for Quality Assessment of Free-form Surface Measurements. ISPRS Commission V Mid-Term Symposium “Close Range Image Measurement Techniques”, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, Juni 2010
Luhmann, T. : Geometric Calibration of Thermographic Cameras. ISPRS Commission V Mid-Term Symposium “Close Range Image Measurement Techniques”, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, Juni 2010
Lorkowski, P. : Tourism and Geoinformatics: Digital information systems for cultural heritage sites. HighTech-based concepts for presentation and interpretation of cultural heritage, Zagreb, Croatia, Mai 2010


funded by: PhD program Jade2Pro
The aim of the PhD project is to develop an innovative approach for detection of the dynamic states of rotor blades during operation without contact and targeting more


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Thomas Luhmann (head) Jurij Schmik, M.Sc. (08.2014-02.2015)
funded by: PhD program Jade2Pro
The aim of this Ph.d. project was the design and implementation of a system for monitoring of continuous phenomena by sensor data streams. A major focus was the use of methods from the field of geostatistics. more
Prof. Dr. Thomas Brinkhoff (head) Peter Lorkowski, M.Sc. (04.2014-07.2017)

Bachelor & Master Theses

Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Farbkalibrierung bei der Digitalisierung musealer Objekte (2022/7)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Thomas Luhmann

Paul Kalinowski, M.Sc.

Untersuchung zum effizienten Streamen und Rendern großer 3D Datensätze mithilfe von Geometry Instancing (2022/5)
SOS: Lärmbelastung an Oldenburgs Straßen ? Prototypischer Einsatz von Schallsensoren an ESP32-Mikrocomputern, geostatistische Analyse der Messwerte per IPDW und Bereitstellung des Verfahrens und der Daten auf Basis von OGC-konformen WPS und SOS. (2022/4)

Dr. rer. nat. Christian Aden

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Roland Pesch

BIM und GIS als Grundlage für energetische Simulationen (2022/4)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Roland Pesch

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Hollermann

Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Digitalisierung im B2B-Vertrieb - Handlungsempfehlungen für das Unternehmen HOPP-ACQUITIES GmbH & Co. KG (2022/4)