Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Roland Pesch

Grundlagen und Anwendungen von Geoinformationssystemen
tel: +49 (0) 441 - 7708 - 3248
room: ZSG 106

Books and Papers

Schröder, W.; Pesch, R.; Schönrock, S.; Harmens, H.; Mills, G.; Fagerli, H. (2014): Correlations between nitrogen concentrations in atmospheric deposition and mosses mapped for natural landscapes in Europe. Proceedings 27th Task Force Meeting ICP Vegetation, 28-30 January, Paris:46
Kluge, M.; Pesch, R.; Schröder, W.; Hoffmann, A. (2014): Differences in concentration of nitrogen in mosses due to canopy drip effects - Case study Germany. Proceedings 27th Task Force Meeting ICP Vegetation, 28-30 January, Paris:36
Beisiegel, K.; Bildstein, T.; Darr, A.; Fiorentino, D.; Gogina, M.; Günther, C.-P.; Pesch, R.; Propp, C.; Rückert, P.; Schiele, K.; Schröder, W.; Schuchardt, B.; Zeiler, M.; Zettler, M. (2014): Kartierung und Registrierung der marinen Lebensraumtypen (LRT) bzw. Biotope in der Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone (AWZ) (Cluster 6). (Cluster 6) Synthesebericht 2014: 1-558
Nickel, S.; Hertel, A.; Pesch, R.; Schröder, W.; Steinnes, E.; Uggerud, H.T. (2014): Modelling and mapping spatio-temporal trends of heavy metal accumulation in moss and natural surface soil monitored 1990-2010 throughout Norway by multivariate generalized linear models and geostatistics. Atmospheric Environment 99:85-93
Meyer, M.; Schröder, W.; Pesch, R.; Steinnes, E.; Uggerud, H.T. (2014): Multivariate association of regional factors with heavy metal concentrations in moss and natural surface soil sampled across Norway between 1990 and 2010. Journal of Soils and Sediments 14(11): 1-15


Holy, M. ; Schröder, W. ; Pesch, R. ; Harmens, H. ; Ilyin, I. ; Léblond, S. : Regionalising the Metal Bioaccumulation in France . BIOMAP 5 - 5th International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Air Pollution, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2009
Pesch, R. ; Schröder , W. : Trends of Metal Bioaccumulation from 1990 to 2005 in Germany . LWF Conference on Long-term Ecosystem Research, Zürich, September 2009
Schröder, W. ; Pesch, R. ; Schmidt, G. ; Holy, M. : Biological Indication of Climate Change by Correlating Air Temperature Data and Plant Phenological Observations in Germany. Langfristige Waldökosystem-Forschung (LWF) Conference on Long-term Ecosystem Research, ETH Zürich, September 2009
Schröder, W. ; Pesch, R. : Optimisation of the German Moss-Monitoring-Network by GIS and Statistics . Langfristige Waldökosystem-Forschung (LWF) Conference on Long-term Ecosystem Research, ETH Zürich, September 2009
Schröder, W. ; Pesch, R. ; Ranft, S. : Establishment of a Joint Network of Marine Protected Areas in the Baltic Sea. HELCOM Meeting BfN-Project MAR36032 BSPA, Berlin, Juli 2009


funded by: Europäische Union (EU)
Given the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, Protect Baltic aims to evaluate and optimise the existing network of marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea and thus makes a positive contribution to biodiversity and the protection of marine ecosystems. Tog... more
funded by: Niedersächsisches Vorab
Transformation and structural change in rural areas mean changes in space and time. Such spatiotemporal data is to be managed and processed by our “Geo-Toolbox”. It uses digital technologies such as databases and geographic information systems &#... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

Optimierung der Planwunschgespräche – Vereinheitlichung, automatisiere Verarbeitung der Planwunschprotokolle sowie dessen Visualisierung (2023/1)
Feldraine als Standorte für Photovoltaikanlagen - Ein geodatenbasiertes Bewertungsverfahren für die Region Nordwest Niedersachsen (2023/1)
Spatiotemporal analysis of biodiversity in the North Sea (2022/11)
Analyse und Entwicklung eines optimierten Arbeitsprozesses zur kombinierten Projektbearbeitung mit den BIM- und GIS-Methoden am Beispiel der Erstellung eines Bebauungsplanes (2022/10)

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Hollermann

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Roland Pesch

Der deutsche Standard XPlanung in den Gemeinden und Städten. Machbarkeitsstudie zur Umsetzung eines Exports nach XPlanGML mit QGIS. (2022/10)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Roland Pesch

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Hollermann