Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Roland Pesch

Mitglied Institutsvorstand
Professur Grundlagen und Anwendungen von Geoinformationssystemen

tel: +49 (0) 441 - 7708 - 3248
room: ZSG 106

Books and Papers

Vetter, L.; Jonas, M.; Schröder, W.; Pesch, R. (2012): Marine geographic information systems. Kresse, W.; Danko, D.M. (eds.): Handbook of geographic information. Springer, Dordrecht, S. 743 - 793
Ranft, S.; Pesch, R.; Boedeker, D.; Schröder, W.; Paulomäki, H. (2012): Marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea - An ecologically coherent transboundary network?. Czybulka, D. (Hrsg.) (2012): Marine Nature Conservation and Management at the boarders of the European Union. Beiträge zum Landwirtschaftsrecht und zur Biodiversität, Band 7. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden. pp. 37-46.
Pesch, R.; Schmidt, G.; Schröder, W.; Weustermann,I. (2011): Application of Cart in ecological landscape mapping: Two case studies.. Ecological Indicators 11, pp. 115-122
Pesch, R.; Schröder, W.; Holy, M.; Harmens, H.; Fagerli, H.; Ilyin, I. (2011): Combination of atmospheric deposition models and biomonitoring field data for mapping nitrogen and heavy metal depositions throughout Europe.. Proceedings International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment ICCE 2011, 13th biannual conference organized by the Division of Chemistry and the Environment (DCE) of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences EuCheMS; 11. - 15. September 2011, ETH Zürich, p. 360
Ranft, S.; Pesch, R.; Schröder, W.; Boedecker, D.; Paulomäki, H.; Fagerli, H. (2011): Eutrophication assessment of the Baltic Sea Protected Areas by available data and GIS technologies.. Marine Pollution Bulletin 63 (2011) 209-214


Pesch, R. ; Schröder , W. ; Schmidt, G. ; Phillips, F. : Mapping the Carbon Fixation in German Forests by Geostatistics and Tree-based Models . 56th Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) , Lissabon, August 2007
Schröder, W. ; Pesch, R. ; Kleppin, L. ; Englert, C. : Metal Bioaccumulation in Germany. Network Optimisation and Statistical Evaluation. 56th Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), Lissabon, August 2007
Schröder, W. ; Pesch, R. ; Schmidt, G. : Malaria tertiana Transmission in Lower Saxony due to Climate Change?. EcoSummit2007, Beijing, China, Mai 2007
Schröder, W. ; Pesch, R. ; Kleppin, L. : The WebGIS ‘MossMet’ . EcoSummit2007, Beijing, China, Mai 2007
Schröder, W. ; Pesch, R. : Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Metal Specific Bioaccumulation Data . EcoSummit2007, Beijing, China, Mai 2007


funded by: Europäische Union (EU)
Given the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, Protect Baltic aims to evaluate and optimise the existing network of marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea and thus makes a positive contribution to biodiversity and the protection of marine ecosystems. Tog... more
funded by: Niedersächsisches Vorab
Transformation and structural change in rural areas mean changes in space and time. Such spatiotemporal data is to be managed and processed by our “Geo-Toolbox”. It uses digital technologies such as databases and geographic information systems &#... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

Akzeptanz, Erwartungen und Befürchtungen vor und nach einer Flurbereinigung (2020/2)
Flächenmanagement im Kontext von Maßnahmen zum Moor- und Klimaschutz anhand des Sulinger Moores (2020/1)