Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Roland Pesch
Grundlagen und Anwendungen von Geoinformationssystemen
tel: +49 (0) 441 - 7708 - 3248
room: ZSG 106
tel: +49 (0) 441 - 7708 - 3248
room: ZSG 106
Books and Papers
Schröder, W.; Pesch, R.; Schönrock, S.; Harmens, H.; Mills, G.; Fagerli, H. (2014):
Correlations between nitrogen concentrations in atmospheric deposition and mosses mapped for natural landscapes in Europe. Proceedings 27th Task Force Meeting ICP Vegetation, 28-30 January, Paris:46
Kluge, M.; Pesch, R.; Schröder, W.; Hoffmann, A. (2014):
Differences in concentration of nitrogen in mosses due to canopy drip effects - Case study Germany. Proceedings 27th Task Force Meeting ICP Vegetation, 28-30 January, Paris:36
Beisiegel, K.; Bildstein, T.; Darr, A.; Fiorentino, D.; Gogina, M.; Günther, C.-P.; Pesch, R.; Propp, C.; Rückert, P.; Schiele, K.; Schröder, W.; Schuchardt, B.; Zeiler, M.; Zettler, M. (2014):
Kartierung und Registrierung der marinen Lebensraumtypen (LRT) bzw. Biotope in der Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone (AWZ) (Cluster 6). (Cluster 6) Synthesebericht 2014: 1-558
Nickel, S.; Hertel, A.; Pesch, R.; Schröder, W.; Steinnes, E.; Uggerud, H.T. (2014):
Modelling and mapping spatio-temporal trends of heavy metal accumulation in moss and natural surface soil monitored 1990-2010 throughout Norway by multivariate generalized linear models and geostatistics. Atmospheric Environment 99:85-93
Meyer, M.; Schröder, W.; Pesch, R.; Steinnes, E.; Uggerud, H.T. (2014):
Multivariate association of regional factors with heavy metal concentrations in moss and natural surface soil sampled across Norway between 1990 and 2010. Journal of Soils and Sediments 14(11): 1-15
Boedeker, D. ; Paulomäki, H. ; Pesch, R.
; Ranft, S. ; Schröder, W. :
Ecological Coherence of Marine Protected Area Networks - A New Application Field for Spatial Statistics?.
1st Conference on Spatial Statistics 2011 - Mapping Global Change, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands,
März 2011
Harmens, H. ; Illin, I. ; Pesch, R.
; Schröder, W. :
Evaluation of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Mosses by Non-Parametric Correlation Analysis and Decision Tree Models.
1st Conference on Spatial Statistics 2011 - Mapping Global Change, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands,
März 2011
Pesch, R.
; Schröder, W. ; Fagerli, H. ; Holy, M. ; Ilyin, I. ; Harmens, H. :
Assessing atmospheric inputs of heavy metals and nitrogen into terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems by combining EMEP deposition modelling and UNECE monitoring of atmospheric depositions by use of mosses 2005 (Hydrology Conference 2010: The Changing Physical and Social Environment: Hydrologic Impacts and Feedbacks, .
Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa, California, USA. ,
Oktober 2010
Harmens, H. ; Holy, M. ; Illin, I. ; Pesch, R.
; Schröder, W. :
Kartierung atmosphärischer Stickstoff- und Schwermetall-Depositionen in Europa mit Daten aus dem EMEP-Messnetz und dem Europaweiten Moos-Monitoring 2005.
6. Marktredwitzer Bodenschutztage: Bodenschutz in Europa - Ziele und Umsetzung, Marktredwitz,
Oktober 2010
Schröder, W. ; Pesch, R.
; Ilyin, I. ; Harmens, H. ; Fagerli, H. :
Mapping atmospheric depositions of Cd, Pb and N in Germany based on EMEP deposition modelling and the UNECE ICP Vegetation Moss Survey 2005.
15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment Department of Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Faculty, University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland,
September 2010
funded by: Europäische Union (EU)
Given the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, Protect Baltic aims to evaluate and optimise the existing network of marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea and thus makes a positive contribution to biodiversity and the protection of marine ecosystems. Tog... more
funded by: Niedersächsisches Vorab
Transformation and structural change in rural areas mean changes in space and time. Such spatiotemporal data is to be managed and processed by our “Geo-Toolbox”. It uses digital technologies such as databases and geographic information systems ... more
Prof. Dr. Thomas Brinkhoff (head) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Roland Pesch (head) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Schüssler (head) Tobias Werner, M.Sc. (10.2022-) Jonas Schoo, M.Sc. (06.2022-) Maren Leiz, M.Sc. (08.2022-) Dr. Amirmohammad Ghavimi (08.2022-)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Brinkhoff (head) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Roland Pesch (head) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Schüssler (head) Tobias Werner, M.Sc. (10.2022-) Jonas Schoo, M.Sc. (06.2022-) Maren Leiz, M.Sc. (08.2022-) Dr. Amirmohammad Ghavimi (08.2022-)
Bachelor & Master Theses
Automatisierung der Glasfaserausbaulänge im Bereich der Neubaugebiete anhand des Programmtools ArcGIS (2021/8)
Feasibility study for (semi-)automatic detection of red deer from RGB aerial images using OpenCV without training data (2021/7)
Markttransparenz am Mietmarkt -Konzept am Beispiel der Stadt Emden (2021/5)
Modellierung von Kernzonen des § 30-Biotops Artenreiche Kies-, Grobsand- und Schillgründe innerhalb der Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone der deutschen Nordsee (2021/3)
Entwurf, Entwicklung und Evaluation eines proprietären GIS für den ländlichen Wegebau beim Amt für regionale Landesentwicklung Weser-Ems auf Basis von Java und Microsoft Access (2021/2)