Tobias Werner, M.Sc.

Evaluation of Driving Data from Digital Tachographs
The Temporal Change of Geospatial Data – Universal Time Series Analysis for Change Detection and Reliable Predictions
Northwestern Lower Saxony - Sustainable New (4N): Geo-Toolbox

tel: +49 (0) 441 - 7708 - 3514
room: ZSG 4

Books and Papers

Neiß-Theuerkauff, T.; Wallhoff, F.; Brinkhoff, T.; Denker, C.; El-Mihoub, T.; Kisselbach, T.; Korte-Wagner, Yves; Korte, H.; Köckritz, Oliver; Luhmann, T.; Nolle, L.; Rofallski, R.; Tholen, C.; Werner, T. (2022): Entwicklung innovativer Technologien für autonome maritime Systeme (EITAMS). In: A. Schneider (Hrsg.): MST 2022 – Multisensortechnologie: Von (A)nwendungen bis (Z)ukunftstechnologien, Beiträge zum 213. DVW-Seminar, Arbeitskreis 3 »Messmethoden und Systeme«, Band: 103, Wißner Verlag, S. 103-119 , Weblink


Werner, T. : About privacy on smart tachographs: Reconstructing car-driven routes based on speed measurements. 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geo-Privacy and Data Utility for Smart Societies (GeoPrivacy '23), November 2023
Ghavimi, A. ; Werner, T. : Geo-Toolbox: How Does Geospatial Data Serve Research in Sustainability. ZENARiO-Kolloquiumsreihe, November 2023 Weblink


funded by: Niedersächsisches Vorab
This interdisciplinary project aims to develop autonomous underwater and surface vehicles. One subproject focusses on the development of calibration procedures and algorithms for the special challenges of underwater photogrammetry. Another subproject... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

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