Books and Papers

Vasquez, M.; Eleonora, M.; Inghilesi , R.; Simon, M.; Agnesi, S.; Al Hamdani, Z.; Annunziatellis, A.; Bekkby, T.; Pesch, R.; Askew, N.; Bentes, L.; Castle, L.; Doncheva, V.; Drakopoulou, V.; Gonçalves, J.; Laamanen, L.; Lillis, H.; Loukaidi, V.; McGrath, F.; Mo, G.; Monteiro, P.; Muresan, M.; O'Keeffe, E.; Populus, J.; Pinder, J.; Ridgeway, A.; Sakellariou, D.; Simboura, M.; Teaca, A.; Tempera, F.; Todorova, V.; Tunesi, L.; Virtanen, E. (2020): EUSeaMap 2019, A European broad-scale seabed habitat map, technical report. EASME/EMFF/2018/– EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 2 – Seabed Habitats , doi: 10.13155/74782 , Weblink
Kröger, L.; Wester, T.; Langidis, A.; Nietiedt, S.; Göring, M.; Luhmann, T.; Peinke, J.; Hölling, M.; Gülker, G. (2020): Experimental study of fluid structure interaction at a model wind turbine blade using optical measurement techniques. The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2020), Delft , doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1618/3/032025
Wester, T.; Kröger, L.; Göring, M.; Nietiedt, S.; Luhmann, T.; Peinke, J.; Gülker, G. (2020): From unsteady inflow to deformation - An experimental study on the aerodynamics and structural behavior of a rotor blade. XXV ICTAM, 23-28 August 2020, Milano, Italy
Rofallski, R.; Westfeld, P.; Nistad, Jean-Guy; Büttner, Annett; Luhmann, T. (2020): Fusing ROV-based photogrammetric underwater imagery with multibeam soundings for reconstructing wrecks in turbid waters. Journal of Applied Hydrography - HN116 , doi: 10.23784/HN116-03
Luhmann, T.; Chizhova, M.; Gorkovchuk, D. (2020): Fusion of UAV and terrestrial photogrammetry with laser scanning for 3D reconstruction of historic churches in Georgia. Drones, 4, 53, MDPI , doi: 10.3390/drones4030053 , Weblink


Sieberth, T. : State-of-the-art in forensic photogrammetry. Low-Cost 3D und Optical 3D Metrology Workshop, Dezember 2024
Herbers, M. ; Albers, S. : Digitalisierung, Visualisierung und Analyse von Sammlungsgut (DiViAS). Alumnitreffen Geo, November 2024
Sieberth, T. : Forensische Bildgebung – Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1000 Worte, aber ein 3D Modell spricht Bände. Science Pub Wilhelmshaven, November 2024
Lenzi, J. ; Leiz, M. ; Ahvo, A. ; Bergström, U. ; Sacre, E. ; Juva, K. ; Virtanen, E. ; Takkolander, A. ; Kotta, J. ; Kaasik, A. ; Fetissov, M. ; Berkström, C. ; Ract, C. ; Pesch, R. : Predicting Marine Species Shifts and Identifying Biodiversity Hotspots under Climate Scenarios. Informal Consultation Session HELCOM Working Group on Biodiversity, Protection and Restoration (WG BioDiv), Oktober 2024
Wichmann, A. : Freie Geodaten – Gewinnung und Nutzung. Ressource Denkmal-Dach – Automatisierte Analyse und Kartierung von Dächern, Oktober 2024 Weblink


funded by: Europäische Union (EU)
Given the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, Protect Baltic aims to evaluate and optimise the existing network of marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea and thus makes a positive contribution to biodiversity and the protection of marine ecosystems. Tog... more
funded by: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Subproject Optical 3D Measurement Technology: For making of reliable wind turbine runtime extension assessments, a new method is being developed that takes into account the geometry and modal properties of the respective rotor blade. These are deter... more
funded by: zukunft.niedersachsen
The research network DiViAS brings together previously rarely interlinked methods and practices in the digitization, research and representation of collections from colonial contexts. The project will systematically combine expertise from museum stud... more

Bachelor & Master Theses

Verknüpfung von Sachdaten mit CAD-System-proprietären Daten – Anforderungen und mögliche Techniken (1999/10)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kuhn

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Weisensee



Entwicklung einer interaktiven Raster-Vektor-Konvertierung zur strukturierten Datenerfassung (1999/8)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kuhn

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Weisensee



Entwicklung eines Datenmodells zur Leitungsdokumentation unter Oracle mit Anbindung an das Smallworld-GIS (1999/8)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kuhn

Prof. Dr. Thomas Brinkhoff

Entwicklung eines digitalen Stadtplanarchivs und eines Visualisierungssystems für Projektdaten (1999/8)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kuhn

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Weisensee



Einführung des Desktop-GIS SICAD/SD 98 beim Konzern Stadt Bielefeld (1999/8)