Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Thomas Luhmann

Curriculum Vitae
1977-1983: | Studies of Geodesy, University of Hanover Diploma thesis: „Investigation of the relationship between geometric resolution and information content of digitised aerial photographs of mudflats“ |
1983-1984: | Scientific researcher, SFB 149, University of Hanover Topics: Remote sensing, Digital image processing |
1984-1988: | Scientific assistent, Institute for Photogrammetry and Engineering Surveys, University of Hanover Topics: Digital close-range photogrammetry 1988 PhD, Dr.-Ing. (summa cum laude): "A high-resolution digital image measuring system" |
1988-1993: | Project manager and Head of R&D Photogrammetry Kern Aarau / Leica, Switzerland |
since 1993: | Professor for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg |
1993-2000: | Head of working groups "Close-range Photogrammetry" of the German Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (DGPF) |
1996-2022: | Foundation and Director of the Institut for Applied Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics (IAPG) |
1996-2004: | Initiator and Head of VDI/DGPF working group 3.32 "Optical 3D Measuring Systems" |
1997-2002: | Head of Reseach Group " Space-Pipe-Soil" - Spatial measuring methods for quality assurance in pipeline construction |
since 2000: | Textbook "Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie" (4th ed. 2018), English and Russian translations |
2000: | Co-founder of spin-off company AXIOS 3D Services GmbH, Oldenburg |
2000-2004: | Vice-President of the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF) |
2000-2022: | Co-Chairman and Chairman of ISPRS Working Groups "Automation for Vision Metrology Systems" resp. “Vision Metrology” |
since 2002: | Annual organisation of Oldenburg 3D Days |
2004-2008: | President of the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF) |
2005-2010: | Head of Reseach Group "Dynamic optical 3D metrology" |
2010: | Habilitation in Photogrammetry at TU Dresden: "Advanced methods for geometric camera calibration in close-range photogrammetry" |
since 2011: | Annual research visits and guest lectures in the Ukraine |
2012-2018: | Research professorship of Lower Saxony |
2016: | Honoray Doctor from Kiev National yUniversity for Construction and Architecture, Ukraine |
2021: | Foundation of the Steinbeis Transfer Centre "Photogrammetry and Optical 3D Metrology" |
2023: | Official retirement on Sep 1, 2023 |
Research topics
- Close-range photogrammetry
- Camera modelling and calibration
- Underwater photogrammetry
- UAV photogrammetry
- Dynamic photogrammetry
- Digital image analysis and matching
- Industrial and medical applications
- Monte-Carlo simulation
- Books and papers in books, journals and proceedings
- Textbook "Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie"
Download the errata file from here - Textbook "Close-Range Photogrammetry and 3D Imaging"
Download the errata file from here - Presentations (since 2006)
- 1995 Hansa-Luftbild Award of DGPF
- 2000 -Ing.-Siegfried-Werth Award
- 2002 rank in "Cooperation competition of Lower Saxony"
- 2010 Karl-Kraus Medal of ISPRS
- 2011 Science Award of Lower Saxony
- 2016 ISPRS CATCOM, 1. rank for best software in education for program PhoX
- 2017 rank for Lower Saxony Innovation Award
- 2018 Hansa-Luftbild Award of DGPF (Co-Author)
- 2020 Meydenbauer Medal of DGPF
- 2022 ISPRS CATCOM, 1. rank for best software in education for program VRscan3D
- 2023 USGS Medal, Ukrainian Society of Geodesy and Cartography
- 2024 Das Goldene Lot, Verband Deutscher Vemessungsingenieure (VDV)
Reviewer for Research Grants (selection)
- BMBF resrach programs FHprofUnd and others
- German Research Foundation (DFG)
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Reviews for diverse international journals (selection)
- Photogrammetrie-Fernerkundung-Geoinformation
- Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten (Editorial Board)
- ISPRS Journal for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Photogrammetric Journal of Finland
- The Photogrammetric Record
- Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
- EARSeL eProceedings
- Automation in Construction
- Experimental Techniques
- Sensors
- Remote Sensing
Affiliations and working groups
- Institute for Applied Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics (IAPG)
- German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF)
- International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), WG II/7 Vision Metrology
- VDI/VDE Working groups 3.32 Optical 3D measuring systems
- Oldenburg Research and Development Institute for Computer Science (OFFIS)
- Comité International de la Photogrammétrie Architecturale (CIPA)
- Hochschullehrerbund (HLB)
- Deutsch-Ukrainische Akademische Gesellschaft
Administration and university activities
- Representative for technology transfer, campus Oldenburg, 1996-2010
- Director of IAPG 1996-2022
- Member of faculty council 1994-1998
- Member of senate 1998-2015, 2020-2023
- Member of research commission
- Member of and head of different appointment commissions
- Ombudsperson for ethics in research 2006-2022
- Member of working group for internationalisation 2015-2023
- DFG ombuds person 2010-2021