Heidi Hastedt, M.Eng.

Photogrammetry, Optical 3D metrology, Remote Sensing
tel: +49 (0) 441 - 7708 - 3164
room: G 103
Main working topics
- Photogrammetry
- Close-range photogrammety and optical 3D metrology
- Camera calibration and modeling
- System develoment for optical 3D metrology
- Structure from Motion and Computer Vision
- Remote sensing
- Software development (C++, C#, ESRI ArcObjects)
Education and labs
- Modules and application-based education
- Close-range photogrammetry
- Project photogrammetry
- Application-based education in photogrammetry I/II for Applied Geodesy and Geoinformatics
- Introduction to photogrammetry and remote sensing for Business Administration and Engineering Geoinformation
- As-build Documentation for Architecture
- Projects in Master studies
- Bachelor- and Master theses
- Labs
- Lab for optical 3D metrology
- Lab for photogrammetry
Current research topics
- Development and evaluation of a medium-format metric camera
- Photogrammetric monitoring and deformation estimation of the Bremen Cog
- Analyses on point cloud modeling of compex situations - focussing on BIM
- 3D-estimation und verification of Structure from Motion systems and OpenCV
Curriculum vitae
since 02/2010: Scientific staff member in education and research at IAPG
Working areas of photogrammetry, optical 3D-metrology and remote sensing
2012 - 2015: Master studies in web-based distancd learning courses GIS at the University of Applied Sciences Anhalt,
Master thesis "Development of a simulation-based accuracy estimation for the camera calibration using OpenCV"
Degree: M.Eng. GIS
10/2007 - 01/2010: GIS-specialist at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL Birmensdorf, Schweiz
Development of a ArcGIS application for the interpretation of aerial images for forest acquisition
02/2001 - 09/2007: Scientific staff member at IAPG in different research projects
- Employment in research projects in the field of close-range photogrymmetry, camera calibration and system development in optical 3D metrology
- 07/2003: Lecturer in photogrammetry for architectural purposes at ZfW
2000 - 2001: Employment as geodetc technician at IAPG within the research project: "Preparation of a park department information system for Oldenburg"
Photogrammetric measrements (P3), data analyses and field evaluation for south Oldenburg
1999: stud. assistant at University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg
at IAPG: "Preparation of a park department information system for Oldenburg"
- at IMA: GPS-measurements construction site Wesertunnel
1998: Abroad studies at Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
1996 - 2001: Diploma studies geo-surveying at the University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven
Diploma thesis: "Analyses on the automatic orientation of multi-temporal digital aerial images"
Degree: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) geo-surveying